Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article summarizes experience and achievements of Irkutsk Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics (now – Irkutsk Scientific Center of Surgery and Traumatology) over a 70-year period. The development of new methods of diagnostics and treatment and organization of health care for patients with traumatological and orthopedic pathology are highly influenced by the Institute. The team of Irkutsk Scientific Center of Surgery and Trau-matology developed a new promising direction of combined tension-band osteosynthesis, substantiated organ-sparing endoprosthesis replacement, created new technologies of treatment of chronic osteomyelitis, developed concept of treat-ment of spinal trauma and spinal cord injuries, determined regularities of cross-system organization of physiological functions at the musculoskeletal system pathology, created original technologies and instruments for the treatment of musculoskeletal system traumas and disorders.Innovations created in ISCST include 330 patents. Irkutsk Scientific Center of Surgery and Traumatology was awarded Governor’s Award in Science and Technics for the development and introduction in clinical medicine of new diagnostic and treatment methods and of candidate medicines in 2012 and 2013.

history, traumatology, orthopedics, innovations

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5. KirdeyEG, BarabashAP, DanilovDG, DmitrievaLA, TishkovNV, BelokhvostikovaTS, CheglyakovaVV (1997). Immune status of patients with different forms of os-teomyelitis [Immunnyy status bol’nykh s razlichnymi formami osteomielitov]. Sibirskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal (Irkutsk), (1-2), 19-21.

6. KoshkaryovaZV, SidorovaGV, ArsentyevaNI (2006). Directors of Irkutsk Institute of Traumatology and Or-thopedics [Direktorskiy korpus Irkutskogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii]. Bulleten’ Vostocno-Sibirskogo naucnogo centra, (4), 355-361

7. KuvinaVN (1991). Environmentally caused pathol-ogy of musculoskeletal system in children of the Eastern Siberia [Ekologicheski obuslovlennaya patologiya opor-no-dvigatel’noy sistemy detey Vostochnoy Sibiri], 236.

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9. PozdeyevaNA, SorokovikovVA (2006). Degenera-tive changes in lumbosacral spine (prevalence, clinical features, prevention) [Degenerativno-distroficheskie izmeneniya poyasnichno-kresttsovogo otdela pozvonoch-nika (rasprostranennost’, klinika, profilaktika)]. Bulleten’ Vostocno-Sibirskogo naucnogo centra, (4), 265-267.

10. PusevaME, SolominLN, MikhaylovIN, KorzunAN, GrishinMM (2006) Improving of transosseous osteosyn-thesis of diaphyseal forearm fractures [Sovershenstvo-vanie chreskostnogo osteosinteza diafizarnykh perelomov kostey predplech’ya]. Travmatologiya i ortopediya Rossii, 2(40), 246-247.

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12. SorokovikovVA, SidorovaGV, ShuryginaIA, Cher-nikovaOM (2011). State and prospects of innovative technologies in traumatology and orthopedics [Sostoyanie i perspektivy vnedreniya innovatsionnykh tekhnologiy v travmatologii i ortopedii]. Bulleten’ Vostocno-Sibirskogo naucnogo centra, (4-1), 332-334.

13. PusevaME, GrishinMM, KorzunAN, MikhaylovIN (2005). Method of transosseous osteosynthesis of diaph-yseal forearm injury and device for its implementation: Patent 2328242 of the Russian Federation [Sposob chre-skostnogo osteosinteza diafizarnykh povrezhdeniy kostey predplech’ya i apparat dlya ego osushchestvleniya: Pat. No 2328242 Ros. Federatsiya].

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