Objective of research: To study the epizootiology of trematodoses of cattle from dairy cattle farms in the Vologda region; to estimate the anthelmintic efficacy of Fascocide, Helmicide, Oxiclozanide, Albendazole, Fezole, Alben. Materials and methods: A preliminary analysis of veterinary reports of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, the regional Stations on Fight against Diseases in Animals, meat-processing plants and slaughter units, Laboratories of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise was carried out for the period 2005–2009 according to the Forms «1-Vet» and «5-Vet». Coproovoscopic examinations of cattle were conducted monthly to determine seasonal and age dynamics of infection. Biological features of intermediate hosts were studied by standard methods. Fascocide at the dose of 10 mg a.i./kg, Helmicide — 7,5 g/100 kg, Oxiclozanide — 5,25 mg/kg, Albendazole — 15 mg a.i./kg and Alben — 10 mg a.i./kg were used against fasciolosis and paramphistomosis in cattle under production conditions in dairy farms and complexes of Vologda region. Results and discussion: The rates of trematode infection in various climatic and geographic zones of the region are different. The highest level of infection was registered in the North Eastern and South Eastern zones, and the lowest — in the South Western. Adult cattle are infected with Fasciola hepatica, Paramhistomum cervi and P. ichikawai all year round; the maximum peak of infection is registered in winter and spring seasons. First signs of trematode infection in calves of the first grazing season are observed at the beginning of the pasture season, which is the evidence for the overwintering of helminth larvae in intermediate hosts. Trematode infections manifest commonly as mixed infections. First individuals of Lymnaea truncatula and Planorbis planorbis appear in biotopes in the second decade of May, reaching the maximum number in August. Their infection with trematode parthenites is observed in the period from the first half of June to October; the maximum peak of infection — in August. The most effective preparations for dehelmintization against Fasciola spp. and Paramhistomum spp. are Fascocide, Helmicide and Fezole.
helminthiasis, trematodosis, epizootology, ecology, biology, treatment, cattle, Vologda region.
Молочное скотоводство является ведущей сельскохозяйственной отраслью в Вологодской области. Общая площадь земельных угодий области 14,4 млн. га, из которых пашня занимает 6%, сенокосы, выгоны и пастбища 10, болота 10, прочая территория - 74%. Гидрография характеризуется густой системой рек, крупных и мелких озер, что вместе с достаточно большим количеством выпадающих осадков обеспечивает обильное увлажнение почвы и способствует хорошему произрастанию кормовых трав - клевера, тимофеевки, мятлика и других злаковых, хорошо поедаемых крупным рогатым скотом. В связи с этим, пастбищное содержание крупного рогатого скота на Вологодчине по-прежнему актуально и практикуется в большинстве животноводческих хозяйств.
В связи с интенсивным использованием пастбищных угодий возникает проблема зараженности животных биогельминтами, в частности, трематодами на территории Вологодской области [1,4].
Цель наших исследований - изучение эпизоотологии фасциолеза и парамфистомоза у крупного рогатого скота в условиях молочного скотоводства Вологодской области, оценка антигельминтной эффективности фаскоцида, гельмицида, оксиклозанида, альбендазола, фезола и альбена.
1. Gorokhov V.V., Samoylovskaya N.A., Uspenskiy A.V., Klyonova I.F., Peshkov R.A., Puzanova E.V., Moskvin A.S. Current epizootic situation and forecast on main helminthiases of animals in the Russian Federation for the year 2015. Rossiyskiy parazitologichesky zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2015, no.1, pp. 41-45.
2. Kryazhev A.L. Epizootological features of paramphistomosis in cattle in the Vologda region. Rossiyskiy parazitologicheskiy zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2009, no. 2, pp. 51 — 54. (In Russian).
3. Kryazhev A.L. Epizootological features of fascioliasis in cattle in Vologda region. Materialy dokladov nauchnoj konferencii «Teoriya i praktika bor’by s parazitarnymi boleznyami» [Proc. of sci.-pract. conf. «Theory and practice of the struggle against parasitic diseases»]. M., VIGIS, 2010, pp. 249 — 252. (In Russian).
4. Kryazhev A.L. Prevalence of helminthiasis in cattle in Vologda region. Materialy dokladov nauchnoy konferentsii «Teoriya i praktika bor’by s parazitarnymi boleznyami» [Proc. of sci.-pract. conf. «Theory and practice of the struggle against parasitic diseases».] M., VIGIS, 2011, pp. 258 — 260. (In Russian).
5. Kryazhev A.L. Mixed infections in cattle under conditions of Vologda region. Molochnohozyaystvennyj vestnik [Dairy Farming Journal], 2011, no. 1, pp. 17 — 19. (In Russian).
6. Kryazhev A.L. Dynamics of the distribution of Lymnaea truncatula, Muller, 1774, and their contamination by liver fluke Fasciola hepatica in pasture biotopes of Vologda region. Materialy dokladov nauchnoy konferentsii «Teoriya i praktika bor’by s parazitarnymi boleznyami» [Proc. of sci.-pract. conf. «Theory and practice of the struggle against parasitic diseases».]. M., VIGIS, 2013, pp. 189 — 192. (In Russian).
7. Kryazhev A.L., Nikitin V.F. Dynamics of distribution of Planorbis planorbis, Linnaeus, 1758, and their contamination by Paramphistomum spp. cercaria in pasture biotopes of Vologda region. Rossiyskiy parazitologicheskiy zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2014, no. 1, pp. 49 — 51. (In Russian).
8. Kryazhev A.L., Lemehov P.A., Biryukov S.A. Main helminthiases in cattle from dairy cattle farms in northwestern regions of the Non-Black Earth Zone of RF. Rekomendatsii po bor’be i profilaktike [Recommendations for struggle and prevention]. Vologda-Molochnoe, IC VGMHA, 2014. 84 p. (In Russian).
9. Kryazhev A.L., Nikitin V.F. Efficacy of new broad spectrum anthelmintics against cattle helminthiasis under conditions of Vologda region. Rossiyskiy parazitologicheskiy zhurnal [Russian Journal of Parasitology], 2015, no. 3, pp. 75 — 79. (In Russian).
10. Lemehov P.A., Biryukov S.A., Kryazhev A.L. Paramphistomosis in cattle in northwestern regions of the Non-Black Earth Zone of RF. Rekomendatsii po bor’be i profilaktike [Recommendations for struggle and prevention]. Vologda — Molochnoe, IC VGMHA, 2012. 27 p. (In Russian).