Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
The influence of design features and technological tolerance lever in the drive automatic behavior of the standard design for deviations of pressure in the brake cylinders from standard level, and therefore reducing the effectiveness of the brakes and the possibility of a skid. The application conditions of the actuator with regard to the method of calculation of the brake.
automode, operational reliability, lever drive, suspension deflection.
1. Nikitin, G. B. Brake system of a platform for transportations of large-capacity containers with the maximum speed of 140 km/h /G B. Nikitin, I. V. Nazarov, G. N. Goryunov // Bulletin of VNIIZhT. – 2005. – Issue 5. – pp. 23-26.
2. Technical specifications for the braking equipment of freight cars constructed by the plants of the Russian Federation. Model calculations of brakes in freight and refrigerated cars. - M.: Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation, 1996. – 77 p.