Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the data of the randomized clinical trial of 80 young patients with destructive pulmonary tuber-culosis for various methods of TB drugs injection. Particular attention is paid to the role of parenteral drug delivery. The work demonstrated that newly diagnosed patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis of younger age the most optimal and effective is parenteral injection of injectable forms of TB drugs, allowing to halt bacterioexcretion for 3 months in 92.5 % of cases and to close cavities in the lungs in 80 %. In newly diagnosed patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis of young age oral use of tablets and of TB drugs is not effective enough, allowing to achieve 3 months cessation of bacterial isolation in 85.2 % of cases and to close cavities in the lungs in 42.5 %. Undesirable side reactions to parenteral administration of injectable forms of TB drugs were detected in 17.5 % of patients and to sep-arate oral tablet forms – in 20 %, fatal reactions were observed in 5 % of cases of drug delivery regardless of method.

tuberculosis, drug-resistant of mycobacterium tuberculosis, TB drugs, methods of drug injection

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