Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The dynamism of the ongoing reforms in the domestic banking sector, one way or another, concerns the relationship of banks with their clients. The customer base responds differently to the reform of the banking system: there is a category of clients who do not take the action of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, they argue that the monopoly of state-owned banks will lead to a deterioration of service, reduction in quality of banking products and riskiness of banking operations. But there is another category of customers who are positive about the changes and consider increasing the state presence in the banking market of the natural course of development. They link these changes with the possibility of increasing the funding the most important sectors of the real sector of the economy: construction, metallurgy, mechanical engineering. The problem of the banking sector today and in previous periods is similar in many respects: banks still continue to search for the elusive Holy Grail - lasting relationships with customers. Despite the high technology, graphical user interfaces and marketing strategy for the implementation of the task is still unclear in many respects.

retail banking, loyalty marketing, CRM-strategy, individual approach to the client
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