Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article present the evaluation of polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride hydrogel influence on the course of wound healing processes. Synthesis of hydrogel is based on the interaction of amino-end groups of the polymer with carbonyl compounds. The presence of significant biocidal properties of the gel-forming polymer is allowed to consider the hydrogel as a wound healing agent. Since most wound healing agents for external use are made in the form of gels, ointments, poly-mer-based, it was decided to use the wound healing agent “Levomekol”, a gel which consists of poly (ethylene oxide) as a comparison drug. So, in terms of linear skin-muscle wound we established the pronounced wound-healing effect of a polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride hydrogel. The results of pathomorphological studies revealed that in animals of the experimental “hydrogel” group on the eighth day of the experiment, the wound was undergoing a process of rejection of the scab, the presence of mature granulation tissue and no exudate was also observed. In the comparison group, the healing process was more slow, on the eighth day of the experiment in the animal group we observed the presence of fluid under the eschar, and lower amount of mature granulation tissue. Tensiometry of the scar has shown that the strength of scar rupture in the “hydrogel” group requires 65% more force compared to the control group, while in the group of comparison this parameter made only 48%.

polyhexamethieneguanidine hydrochloride, hydrogel, wound-healing effect, tensiometry

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