Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Nasopharyngeal flora contributes much to the development of many diseases, including the urinary system diseases. The aim was to compare the vaginal microbiota biotope and nasopharynx microbiota in women with reproductive disorders (RD). The study involved 97women with RD (infertility, miscarriage). The control group comprised women with chronic endometritis (CE), RD and chronic tonsillitis (CT) (n=65), mean age was 31.0±5.3. CE was diagnosed using histologic analysis and ultrasound studies. The comparison group consisted of 32 women with RD without CE and HT, representative by age. Endometrial sampling was conducted by endometrial pipelle biopsy taken on 5–11th days of the menstrual cycle. Nasopharyngeal swabs were taken on an empty stomach. Due to reduced indigenous microbiota in the studied habitats the number of opportunistic pathogenic microflora such as Staphylococci, Enterococci, fungi, E.coli and etiologically significant Streptococcus (in nasopharynx) was increased. Streptococci in the nasopharynx indicate that the troubles are in vaginal biotope, which leads to inflammatory diseases and reproductive disorders. Everything mentioned demonstrates common etiopathogenic mechanisms for the development of pathological processes of various localizations. Thus, it is important to pay close attention to all rehabilitation centers specializing on chronic infections, which will improve the treatment of СE.

chronic endometritis, tonsillitis, opportunistic pathogenic microflora, nasopharynx, vaginal biotope

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