Vladimir, Vladimir, Russian Federation
The results of the investigation of a spindle assembly vibration level during abrasion with discrete discs are shown. It is established that for oscillations swing decrease it is necessary to carry out a discretization of a cutting face with highly concentrated energy flows. Methods for the discretization of a cutting face in abrasive discs with laser emission and a hydro-abrasive high-pressure jet covered by invention patents of the Russian Federation. It is defined that for the further improvement of discrete abrasion processes it is necessary to reduce the scales of cutting face discretization. And at the same time the role of highly concentrated energy flows from the positions providing small lengths of cutting areas and those interrupting a cutting process grow rapidly as the well-known methods of cut or abrasive segments compressing are unable to ensure sufficient mechanical strength of abrasive discs with small scales of cutting face discretization.
abrasion, discrete cutting face, vibration level, spindle assembly, composite discrete disc, disc with laser discretization.
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2. Gusev, V.G., Morozov, А.V. Flat Peripheral Grinding with Discrete Discs: monograph. – Yoshkar-Ola: Colloquium, 2012. – pp. 222.
3. Stepanov, Yu.S., Gusev, V.G., Afanasiev, B.I. Discrete Inner Abrasion / under the general editorship of Yu.S. Stepanov. – М.: Mechanical Engineering-1, 2004. – pp. 190.
4. Progressive tools and technologies in abrasion: cooperative monograph / D.V. Ardashev, Yu.V. Vasilenko, V.G. Gusev et al. Part 2. Progressive Tools in Modern Mechanical Engineering / V.G. Gusev, А.V. Morozov, P.S. Shvagirev; under the editorship of А.V. Kirichek. – М.: “Spectrum” Publishing House, 2013. – pp. 320.
5. Pat. RF 2385216: IPC В24D, 7/00. Discrete Grinding Tool / V.G. Gusev, А.V. Morozov, P.S. Shvagirev; applied 27.02.08; published. 2010. Bull. № 9.
6. Morozov, А.V., Alyoshin, М.P. Laser emission – pro-gressive method in cutting face discretization of grinding tool: Proceedings of the Inter. Youth Scientific Conf. “40-th Gagarin’s Readings”. – М.: MATI, 2014.
7. Pat. RF 2520169: IPC B24D 18/00, B24C 1/00. Method for Grinding Tool Discretization // G.G. Gusev, А.V. Morozov, О.Yu. Metelkin; applied 02.11.2012; published 20.04.2014. Bull. №9.
8. Morozov, А.V., Alyoshin, М.P. New direction in hy-droabrasive high-pressure fluid jet application: Proceedings of the Inter. Youth Scientific Conf. “40-th Gagarin’s Readings”. – М.: МАТI, 2014.