Saratov, Saratov, Russian Federation
Volgograd State Technical University (Kafedra «Tehnologiya mashinostroeniya i prikladnaya mehanika», prof.)
Saratov, Saratov, Russian Federation
This paper reports the structure and the analysis of possible solutions for the realization of design procedures complex ensuring the efficient fulfillment of assembly operations on the basis of a tie between the technological preparation of production (TPP) for manufacturing activity and assemblage of high-precision products taking into account requirements taken at designing products. The realization of this approach in SADL-TP is urgent as the complex of design procedures will allow taking into account a real production situation and choosing efficient technological processes for parts machining taking into account assemblage requirements. That, in its turn, will allow decreasing labor-intensiveness, production time and cost price and increasing quality and accuracy of high-precision products, and also reducing time and labor-intensiveness at TPP.
assembly production, complex of design procedures at technological preparation of production, high-precision products, configuration space.
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