Novocherkassk, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
employee from 01.04.2012 until now
Novocherkassk, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
The article discusses the problem of discrepancy of normative methods for calculating the bearing capacity of foundations experimental data. The authors proposed a new method of calculation of flexible ferroconcrete foundation, which can eliminate a large gap between the calculated and experimental data. The article describes an experiment on a sandy base, and its results, confirming the new methodology. The use of bilinear limit line τ (σ) for the calculation of the strength characteristics of dense sandy ground is describes.
flexible ferroconcrete foundation, bearing capacity,contact stresses, bilinear limit line.
1. Dyba V.P. Otsenki nesushchey sposobnosti fundamentov [Tekst]: monografiya / V.P. Dyba. — Novocherkassk: YuRGTU, 2008. — 200 s.
2. Ustinova O.E. Issledovanie i raschet nesushchey sposobnosti gibkikh zhelezobetonnykh fundamentov metodom predel´nogo analiza [Tekst]: avtoref. dis. … kand. tekhn.nauk / O.E. Ustinova. — Novocherkassk, 2003. — 125 s.
3. SP 22.13330.2011 «Osnovaniya zdaniy i sooruzheniy».Aktualizirovannaya redaktsiya SNiP 2.02.01-83 [Tekst]. —M., 2011.