Article is devoted to a problem of social planning in the student’s environment, as a mechanism which acts as the volunteering. The article describes the implementation experiences of social and pedagogical university students of volunteer project aimed at increasing the level of professional competence of future bachelors of pedagogical education in the field of fine arts, on the one hand, and on the other at the inclusion of children from socially disadvantaged groups to contemporary art through the practice of the fine arts and decorative-applied creativ- ity. Corresponding to current educational standards of higher school, the practical preparation of future teachers cannot fully realize the students need for testing their professional skills. One of the possible ways of solving this problem was the creation of the design studio as a socially significant project by volunteer-students. Unlike secondary schools, the work of the studio is not governed by the educational standards, a educational program and strict requirements for development. Consequently, this form allows taking into account the interests of children and the needs of students in obtaining practical experience with the students. The study reveals that the collabora- tive process of future teachers and students has a rather complex structure and includes the following components: cognitive, emotional-valuable, active, reflexive evaluation. Achievement of target indicators of the project and its successful implementation allows continuing the process of social planning in the field of art education, aimed at children with speech development violations’ acquaintance with the work of artists of their native land and create their own copies of the paintings, followed by applying them to the tissue. A.S. Makarenko emphasized that «we need to teach children the desire to achieve some goals, but don’t just teach them» that in the context of our project is implemented through the creation of textiles, panels, accessories in the classroom by children, developing their creativity and encouraging them in a conscious, purposeful and creative activity.
volunteering, professional practical training of teachers, social planning
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