The objective assessment of status of intraocular fluid outflow pathways after fistulizing antiglaucomatous surgery is a necessary efficacy prediction component of glaucoma surgery. Based on complex assessment of operative zone, includ-ing ultrasound biomicroscopy, at different dates after non-penetrating deep sclerotomy the attempt of development of clinical classification of fluid outflow pathways was made. The basis of this classification is sign of morphological heterogeneity of the examined structures. In the study the parameters of the functional state of the trabeculae-Descemet’s membrane were determined: the height 0.8±0.09mm, thickness 0.09±0.004mm and acoustic density <55±10%; timelines of sclerosis – 1–1.5months after surgery. This was the rationale for the principle of a two-stage non-penetrating deep sclerectomy and indica-tion for laser descemetogoniopuncture in terms of 1–1.5months after the operation in the absolute number of cases. Postoperative UBM monitoring allowed determining the period of active remodeling of newly formed intraocular fluid outflow pathways in norm and their pathological formation – 6months after the intervention. Developed system of assessment of surgically formed fluid outflow pathways by proposed method allows monitor dynamics of fluid outflow pathways forming, standardize results and determine choice of further treatment.
ultrasound biomicroscopy, classification of the intraocular fluid outflow pathways, non-penetrating deep sclerectomy, Yag-laser goniopuncture
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