The importance and the need to establish standards for the quality of life for HIV-infected patients with eye diseases were proved. The scheme of follow-up of ophthalmic patients with HIV infection was created; it allows identifying the relationship between the organ of vision and quality of life of infected patients. An algorithm of examination of patients with a combination of HIV infection and ophthalmological pathology was developed. It is proved that with the growth of the severity of internal organ involvement in HIV-infected patients a decrease in quality of life occurs pro rata, par-ticularly in patients in 3–4th stages of HIV infection associated with atrophy of the optic nerve, uveitis, retinitis. It was established that on the background of an effective anti-viral and vascular therapy of HIV-infected patients there is a positive dynamics of vision in patients with retinal angiopathies.
HIV infection, ophthalmic pathology, quality of life
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