Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Authors analyze efficiency of application antiseptics of a miramistin in prevention of infectious complications in case of repeated intravitreal injections of VEGF inhibitor Ranibizumab in 156 patients with the age related macular de-generation. 0,01% solution of antiseptic Miramistin (Okomistin®) was instillated 4 times per day two days before operation to all patients for the purpose of infection prevention. Just before the operation (60 and 30 minutes before) and right after it instillations of antiseptic continued within a week after intravitreal injection. During the operation in the conditions of the operating room with keeping of all rules of aseptic, three minutes prior to operation the surgery field and the conjunctival cavity of the patient were twice processed by 5% povidone-iodine solution (Betadine). The results analysis showed no expressed signs of irritation of the eyes connected to miramistin treatment preceding the operation. In the postoperative period all patients endured antiseptics well. Within a week of applications there were no complaints about pain, burning, foreign body sensation or hazy vision after the medicine instillation, and biomicroscopic research revealed no signs of inflammatory injection of conjunctiva or sclera, no cornea epitheliopathy, there was no cellular response in moisture of the anterior chamber and vitreous body. Thus, the authors state that antiseptics Okomistin® as an additional measure of prevention of infectious complications in case of intravitreal injection provide high level antimicrobic protection with no risk of development of microbial resistance.

intravitreal injections, endophthalmitis, prevention

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