Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
1249children of 5–10years (716boys, 533girls) with consequences of perinatal lesions of the CNS were examined, 230 of them were treated with the transcranial magnetic stimulation method (TMS). Selection of the TMS regimens was carried out taking into account the specific clinical neurophysiological features of the patients both as monotherapy, as well as a part of complex neurorehabilitation. For example, when intensifying of the synchronizing influences of tha-lamic structures and EEG signs of a delay of formation of electrical cortical rhythmicity, in children with developmental dysphasia and difficulties of school training, a high-pitched stimulation in the projection of the sensomotor and speech zones of a cerebral cortex was chosen; when intensifying of desynchronization influences of a reticular formation of a brainstem; at motor type of a developmental dysphasia and clinical signs of ADHD syndrome, a low-frequency regimen of stimulation of front-parietal and central areas of a cerebral cortex were chosen. Efficiency of therapy within 55–60% concerning indicators of the speech sphere and the psychological status is reached at sessions of TMS together with correctional occupations with auxiliary specialists of the rehabilitation center – speech pathologists and psychologists. Efficiency of monotherapy of TMS in children with retardation of psycho-speech development made 30–35%. Sufficient clinical performance and safety of the technique, a possibility of holding sessions of TMS against the background of course neuroprotective therapy at children with cerebral palsy is shown.
consequences of perinatal brain lesions, cerebral palsy, minimal brain dysfunction, language impairment, transcranial magnetic stimulation, TMS
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