Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the present article the characteristics, problems and prospects of the development of common educational space of the CIS countries are analyzed. On the example of higher education the author concludes that nowadays the total educational environment has not been created yet. Despite the regulatory framework and the availability of institutions responsible for the formation of the PLO in the CIS countries, the recognition of documents on education is difficult, there is no common approach to standards and quality assessment, and there is no academic mobility system and free access to higher education by representatives of different countries. The prospects of PLO of the CIS countries depend on the agreed policy of states in respect of Russian as the language of PLO of the CIS countries; collaborative research by scientists of CIS countries and the publication of the results in Russian; academic mobility system of students and teachers. It is necessary to understand and form the learning motivation in PLO, which depends on the assessment by students of their life prospects and attractiveness of living in the CIS countries. The article is based on the author´s personal experience on the development of international educational programs, provides an expert assessment of PLO, some suggestions and recommendations.

common educational system of the CIS countries, internationalization, Russian, competing languages of educational space

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