Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In terms of growing global changes public administration is facing new challenges, among which especially significant is a great increase in information flows, as well as the globalization of economic, social, political and administrative processes, creating new opportunities and constraints for the operation of national governments. This article describes the key consequences of globalization for functioning of national systems of public administration. Current trends in practice of public administration are examined; some options for operating models, processes and tools are suggested by which governments try to meet the current challenges. The main directions of improvement of public administration systems are highlighted: preparation process and political decision-making, enforcement of openness and transparency in management, formation of effective legislation, creation of real accountability of the executive branch, establishment of unbiased and professional civil service. Particular attention is paid to the creation of modern infrastructure of services for citizens, the provision of public services and the protection of their rights.

globalization, state, public administration, reform

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