Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the possible ways of internal and external protection of the state from the economic impact of international and supranational economic entities, economic elites of other countries that may have a detrimental effect on its policy and the choice of development strategy. The article proposes specific ways to minimize the impact of economic factors, influencing the state policy. The author believes that to overcome the negative effects of globalization, the state must ensure the implementation of the legal regime, the institutionalization of methods and forms of market infrastructure protection. In particular, it is noted that to minimize the negative impact of the international financial organizations, the government needs to move away from the economy that is focused mainly on export, to transfer the production of vital goods to the local area. Another current trend is considered to be the overcoming of the negative impact of economic sanctions, possibly through the introduction of a national payment system, the development of the state order, state subsidies and support of import substitution. In general, the author comes to the conclusion that minimizing of the negative impact of economic factors on the governmental policy is possible in the case of providing the highest possible level of the economic sovereignty.

economic sovereignty, globalization, international financial institutions, political elites, negative economic impact on policy, economic sanctions, international financial organizations, multinational companies, import substitution

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