The methodical aspects of psychophysical transformation of regional indicators in the function of desirability in the case of bilateral constraints when high ratings are given to the optimal value and the deviation from the optimum in both directions causes a decrease of desirability index. It is proved that in such cases often encountered in optimization problems of the regional economy, it is advisable to use an exponential-power function of desirability of Harrington. On the example of level indicator of social satisfaction of the population – turnover ratio of communication services to the volume of retail trade – a conversion technique of indicator with bilateral limitation of the desirability function is demonstrated. The appointment of parameters of exponential-power function of desirability is proposed to carry on numerical statistical characteristics of regional samples – the average value of the indicator and its standard deviation.
regional indicator, two-way limit, psychophysical transformation, exponential-power function of desirability of Harrington, technique transformation, mean, standard deviation
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