The article deals with the transformation processes of training of state and municipal management of the Russian Presidental Academy of National Economy and Public Administration in the branch network. According to the results of the focus groups to establish programs of vocational education, conducted in November 2016 by the Institute for Organizational Development and Strategic Initiatives, the authors structured transformation of the basic principles of an additional education programs. In particular, among the basic principles are identified: custommization innovation, customer focus, cost-effectiveness, the use of modern educational technologies of moderation and facilitation techniques. Also the need for the formation of cases of administrative decisions in public and municipal administration to address local regional problems is highlighted. The authors note the low motivation of civil servants to conversion training and improvement of professional skills among the problems to improve the quality of retraining of state and municipal government personnel.
additional professional education, training and retraining, customers and consumers of educational services, innovative educational technology, facilitation, personnel of state and municipal management
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