Russian Federation
GRNTI 55.03 Машиноведение и детали машин
BBK 344 Общее машиностроение. Машиноведение
The article describes the design of a pilot plant PVI includes a feed hopper mounted on the frame of the conical rolls and designersusa device, which consists of additional rolls with a reverse taper rolls the main. allows to combine the processes of comminution and disaggregation of compressed materi-als. We theoretically studied the implementation of directional movement pressed into the plate material from the main to the additional rolls desagglomeration device. Presents an analysis of the graphic curves constructed according to the obtained equations for the linear size of the capture zone dezagregarea rolls plates of pressed material. It is concluded that the intensive change of the angle is on the interval from zero to 0.25 meters, which should be taken into account when designing the press roller cutter device for desagglomeration materials.
press roller chopper, pressed material, directional movement.
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