Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the investigation of happiness level, well-being and life quality of scientific pedagogical staff (SPS). The paper identifies the main factors that influence at the objective and subjective sense of SPS happiness, explores different approaches to the research of well-being and life quality of individuals and society in general, detects the features of professional SPS activity. This article is also performs the impact of professionally significant factors on the subjective feeling of well-being and life quality satisfaction by SPS. The profile of happy SPS was composed as well. Analysis of well-being and quality of life was based on a survey of income, health, social capital, and other factors that are included in the category of happiness. The study allowed to establish the relationship between the factors of well-being and motivation factors of the SPS.
economics of happiness, well-being, quality of life, happiness index, ranking SPS, profile of happy SPS.
Недавние исследования, опубликованные в ведущих международных научных журналах, рассматривают понятие «счастье» как набор неких составляющих элементов, формирующих уровень субъективного благосостояния (качества жизни), определяемого как некий капитал.
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