In the presented article the author analyses the particular and typical legal characteristics of the so-called Nordic Legal Family, which enable it to be rather specific and to be on the contrary to the Romano-Germanic legal family and the Anglo-Saxon legal families of Europe. The author emphasizes that these characteristics of Nordic legal family serve the cause of the harmonization of the laws and even legal systems of the States of Northern Europe included in this legal family. The author examines the ethnic, historical and cultural origins, the foundations of the origin of this legal family, and based on them factors that contribute to the harmonization of their laws. The specifics of the formation of legal systems of the States of this region were shown in present article. The author describes the traditional North-European countries forms and methods of legal unification through meetings and consultations of their representatives, through their joint activities, their activities in the Northern Council which is an international body of inter-parliamentary cooperation, and the Council of Ministers of Nordic Council member states whish is responsible for intergovernmental cooperation. There also were presented the examples of positive results of this unification. However, the author correlates the operation of the Nordic legal family and the negative influence of the European law.
law, legislation, unification, legal family, legal characteristics, background, experience, comparative, lawyers.
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