In the article the necessity of solving the problem of formation of information system of processes and procedures in anti-crisis management of economics is substantiated. This problem is due to the continuing manifestations of the crisis in the economy, the fragmentation in systematization of information for control purposes, the lack of information databases to address the multifaceted problems of prevention and identification of insolvency (bankruptcy) risks of economic entities, and their withdrawal from the crisis. In the article the problems of information nature are revealed, which may be faced with in the development of information and management decisions to ensure the stability and solvency of the organizations and enterprises of different organizational and legal forms. The professional opinion of experts dealing with crisis management issues is considered, and some levels of building information field are proposed, such as collecting, grouping, summarizing and processing of information for the possible use of the information received by managers, financial analysts, government agencies in the development of corporate or government anti-crisis policy.
crisis management, diagnostics, information, commercial organization, non-profit organization, insolvency (bankruptcy), monitoring
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