Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
GRNTI 55.19 Резание материалов
BBK 346 Отдельные машиностроительные и металлоперерабатывающие процессы и производства
The article describes method and results of experimental analysis for exploitation properties of different wear resistance coatings for metal-cutting tools for machining difficult-to-cut materials. The main goal of presented research is to test adhesion properties of Hafnium content metal-cutting tools coatings in comparison with conventionally used coatings. Much attention given to research of adhesion characteristics change under the thermal action to predict possible wear-resistance characteristics for coatings for metal-cutting tools for machining difficult-to-cut materials. The following techniques used for assessment of adhesion properties: scratch test, micro hardness test for samples in existing condition and after the thermal action, visual analysis for a spherical grinding microsection after the thermal action. Conclusions drawn for the perspectives of using Hafnium content coatings as wear-resistance coatings for metal-cutting tools for difficult-to-cut materials.
metal cutting tools, wear-resistance coating, exploitation properties, difficult-to-cut materials.
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