GRNTI 55.03 Машиноведение и детали машин
BBK 344 Общее машиностроение. Машиноведение
When designing the of vibrating mechanism with directional vibrations of can identify two designing of tasks: forward and reverse. In the direct task of by the known geometric parameters and mass of unbalances determine the value of the exciting force and her ability to perform the task. In inverse problem of the magnitude the exciting force is set in accordance with the technological objectives and require to solve the problem designing of the vibratory mechanism with rational parameters. The article provides a method of calculating the two-stage the vibratory mechanism and building its mathematical model at a predetermined ratio the quantities of forward and reverse actions directional driving force.
vibrator, vibrating mechanism, characteristics of the vibration mechanism of discontinuous function, Fourier series, d´Alembert principle, the dynamic coefficient of the vibratory mechanism.
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