The article is devoted to consideration of issues relating to the formation of creative competence of the future teacher of preschool educational organizations in the framework of the variable education, the need for which is attributable to the modern requirements of the profession. Variability of education actualizes the training of professionals involved in the education of future generations from the position of the development of their creative potential, empower personal development in various directions, ability to solve different kinds of tasks, organize educational activities in preschool educational organizations subject to the requirements of modern standards. The variability of the process of formation of creative competence of the future teacher is presented through the substantial and organizational aspects. The first aspect is characterized by research activity in the process of classroom and extracurricular work. The potentialities of scientific research in the process of the formation of competence. The second aspect is implemented using the interaction of actors in research activities and research collaboration, which involves the passing of phases: end-to-end (monitoring and dialogue) and serial ("meeting", understanding, thinking, activities) that are methodologically based on the concepts of the hermeneutic approach. Described in detail the nature and organization of each phase of a scientific collaboration with the aim of forming creative competence of future teacher of preschool educational institution.
creative competence, the variable education, future educator of preschool educational organizations, the scientific co-creation, research activities.
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