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Abstract (English):
The purpose of research is improvement of productive and technological qualities of Tajik type Black and Motley breed farm animals. Researches for subject were conducted in university named by L. Murodov of the Gissar district of the Republic Tajikistan in the conditions of the feedlot. As an object of researches were served the thoroughbred bull-calves of the Tajik type of Black and Motley breed, and also hybrid with Holshteined breed of different share of blood received by method of absorption crossing. The research problem is to study adaptation abilities the Holshteined hybrids with different share for the improving breed. For carrying out experience four groups were created from newborn bull-calves. At young growth during the different age periods studied morphological composition of blood and clinical indicators. It is established that calves of 6-month age have an increase in maintenance of erythrocytes in blood for 4.6-8.0% depending on share of Holstein blood. At the same time increase in concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes on 0.41-0.18 mg of % is observed. After 6-month age the maintenance of erythrocytes decreases by 8.2-6.8%, and concentration of hemoglobin by 0.86-0.46 g of %. On the basis of clinical indexes counted coefficients of adaptation and heat stability, thermal stability index which showed that at hybrids, in process of increase in a share of Holstein blood adaptation abilities and resistance to high temperature of air increase.

breed, bull-calves, blood, clinic, adaptation, heat stability
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