Krasnodar, Russian Federation
The purpose of the research is to identify the relationship between microbiocenosis intestinal tract bees after hibernation with their physiological activity. Experiments were conducted for determination of species composition of microflora in the intestinal tract of bees after hibernation and reproductive ability of the uterus and their effect of honey productivity bee colonies. The research was conducted on the basis of the private beekeeping apiary SP «Ovsyannikov» Mostovskij district of Krasnodar region. The objects of study were the bee colonies with different intestinal tract, referred to in points determined by the method of L. A. Shagun (1983). The study was subjected for 3 bee colonies whose bowel habits were assessed at 2, 3 and 4 points. Bee colonies with the intestines condition at 1 point have been identified. The selected bees were also held and bacteriological assessment of the intestinal tract condition, the results of which showed a high correlative dependence on the state of the intestinal tract of bees from quantitative presence in its content of microorganisms, particularly Enterobacteriaceae, lactobacilli, and enterococci. With increasing amounts in the intestinal tract of enterobacteria, staphylococci, pseudomonas, yeast and fungi deteriorating the anatomical condition of the intestines of bees. Therefore, in cases of severe dysbiosis, in which intestinal tract of insects is estimated at 2 points, there is a weakening of bee colonies, reduced reproductive ability of the uterus and, as a consequence, honey productivity bee colonies.
bee, honey, microbiota, intestinal tract, the Carpathian breed, activity
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