Samara, Russian Federation
p.g.t. Ust'-Kinel'skiy, Samara, Russian Federation
The purpose of research is improving productivity and quality of silage sunflower and Sudanese due to intercropping with vetch spring wheat and soybean at different levels of mineral nutrition. The main purpose of this research was to study the ways of improving the quality of silage. The experiment was going for 5 years and begun in 2011 year. 6 variants of plants mixtures were planted at two levels of mineral nutrition. During the experiment, we studied the effect of legume plants for the composition of amino acids and yield level in silage either with fertilizers or without. We found that while using fertilizers the yield level was increased in all variants. In addition we found that with the application of mineral fertilizers the composition of amino acids in silage mixtures of plants was increased as well. But not all variants were good in investigated parameters. For example, sunflower itself showed the best yield not only in control variant but with fertilizers application, nether then less its amino acid composition was the worst during the whole time of research. Among the other variants, two-component mixture of sunflower and soybean can be highlighted. It has one of the highest level of protein and the best amino acid composition. This mixture showed one of the highest level of the yield as well.
sunflower, sudan grass, soybeans, vetch, protein, amino acids, silage
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