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Abstract (English):
In article questions of the problem resolution of a technological entrepreneurship in Russia are considered. It is shown that the problem very urgent and is the cornerstone of innovative development of our country. By means of innovative approaches analysis of a problem is made and its main reasons are established. Generation of the ideas showed the main directions of the problem resolution in which the leading role belongs to development of small and medium business, development of the effective strategy of development for the country, increase in science funding, competition development, fight against corruption, promotion of the ideas in media, to creation of system of mentors and so forth.

Problem of a technological entrepreneurship in Russia, creation of innovative economy, innovative approaches, analysis of a problem, identification of the main reasons and generation of the ideas.
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Прошедшие три года с начала кризиса на Украине и последовавшие за этим санкции со стороны Запада в отношении России (как реакция на присоединение к России Крыма), которые усилились падением цен на нефть на мировых рынках и, как результат, падением курса рубля по отношению к основным валютам, больно ударили по России.


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