The paper is devoted to one of the current medical problems — vestibular syndrome, developing in patients withtemporomandibular joint dysfunction combined with myofascial pain syndrome. This topic lies at the intersection of several sciences: otoneurology, chiropractic, dentistry, medical rehabilitation and posturology. Diagnostic and treatment data of 60 patients obtained by interdisciplinary team composed of neurologist, chiropractor, dentist, radiologist and ENT is presented. These data confirm complex treatment of the “cervico-odontogenic” vestibular syndrome, including correction of temporomandibular and intervertebral joints, as well as muscular-ligamentous apparatus correction by means of manual therapy, osteopathy and individual prosthesis in conjunction with restoration of dentition integrity and premature occlusal contactsgrinding.
vestibular syndrome, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, chiropractic, applied kinesiology, osteopathy, myofascial pain syndrome, individual orthotics
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