Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In presented to attention of readers article the author attempted to analyze the scientific relevance and practical relevance for the modern system of public administration the problems of bureaucracy and red tape. The article explores the basic qualitative characteristics and peculiarities of functioning of the state apparatus, the difficulties of optimization of style, performance, problematic and contradictory nature of overcoming corruption and bureaucratic pathologies, threats, dysfunctions and other deformations in the practice of human resource management and public administration in General. It is emphasized that at some point the corrupt and bureaucratic mechanisms become latent shadow control system, which resist very difficult. In the result remain on top of the bureaucracy, the corruption, the brutality, the callousness and irresponsibility, and at the bottom of legal nihilism, distrust in the sincerity of the authorities ‘ double standards. In confirmation are the concrete facts relevant statistical and sociological data. In parallel, we analyze the phenomenon of bureaucracy, explores the essence of bureaucracy and corruption, their causes and origins, manifestations, shadow side and negative social consequences. This article presents some value judgments made appropriate generalizations and conclusions, analyzes the actions taken by the state for the improvement of personnel management and guidance of proper administrative procedure in the public administration and civil service. Formulated proposals which, in the opinion of the author, will help to more efficiently realize the tasks put by the state in terms of bureaucratic control and innovation updates of the struggle against formalism, assessorship, corruption and corporate reticence.

administrative resource, public administration, bureaucracy, debureaucratization, personnel, personnel policy, corruption, moral foundations to official relations, personnel, anti-corruption, professionalism.

Вопросы коррупции и бюрократических деформаций управленческих отношений всегда находились в поле зрения политиков, ученых и широких слоев общественности. Соответствующая политическая, правовая и нравственная оценка такого рода проявлениям дана давно и однозначно. Она хорошо известна. Это «спиритуализм государства» и «замкнутость общества в государстве» [3, с. 270, 271], узурпация власти и стремление чиновничества к неограниченности полномочий, формализм и канцелярщина, дискредитация любых реформ и деформирование всех прогрессивных преобразований. Результат тоже известен: «сверху водворяется господство официальной лжи, а внизу парит полный произвол» [19, с. 556] — оценка начала прошлого столетия, но ее актуальность никто и сегодня не ставит под сомнение, ее объективность и справедливость сохраняются в полном объеме.


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