Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is aimed at addressing key problems of national economy with the impact on it personnel potential of any organization and in particular companies of the business sector. The article assesses the social policy, conditions and factors influencing efficiency of formation and development of personnel potential of the enterprise sector of the economy. It justified recommendations for their improvement, and also shows the effect of the level of development of personnel potential in this sphere to increase efficiency of the domestic economy as a whole. At the same time drawn attention to the solution of the problems of the large industrial companies compared to small and medium organizations engaged in entrepreneurial activities. The article shows to attract and develop talented employees in terms of business structures, it is necessary that the newly created state bodies on creation of conditions for their development first of all drew attention to the condition of personnel potential of business sector, principles, methods and technologies of its formation and also to ensure its effective development. According to the author the solution to this problem is the unused resources.

social policy, messages of the President of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly, personnel potential, business environment, social and economic relations, productivity, and efficiency factors, major companies, small and medium-sized enterprises, motivation and incentives, professional development, government regulation, market relations, indicators of economic efficiency, the scientific organization of labor.

В Послании Президента Российской Федерации Федеральному Собранию от 1 декабря 2016 г.1 обращено внимание на ключевые аспекты экономики, социальных вопросов и внутренней политики России. В этом Послании особо было отмечено, что главные причины нынешнего положения отечественной экономики кроются во внутренних проблемах страны. Ранее, в 2014 г., в своем Послании Федеральному Собранию Президент Российской Федерации особо отметил, что «…эффективность национальной экономики должна расти. Необходимо ориентироваться на ежегодный рост производительности труда не менее чем на пять процентов»2.


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