Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Work objective. Changes in the system of higher education in Russia, which are a reflection of the socio-economic life, require the expansion of modern university functions. The development of processes of transformation of universities in universities of entrepreneurial type has identified the need to identify factors in the formation of human capital as the most important resource that can make the transition to a new quality of universities. Materials and methods. The works of domestic and foreign experts, universities, research enterprise type are studied. Result. The main directions of the entrepreneurial type of universities are given. Classification of factors influencing the formation of the human capital of the University of entrepreneurial orientation is offered. Groups of factors influencing the priority on human capital formation necessary for the implementation of certain activities of the University of enterprise type are given. Conclusion. The results can be used in the formation of the enterprise type universities.

human capital, higher education, university types, university of entrepreneurial type, factors of formation.

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