Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The original interpretation of the phenomenon of cross-sectoral social partnership is presented, which the authors consider as intersubjective partnership. The basic stages of the post-Soviet evolution of intersubjective social partnership in this region of the Russian Federation as the Republic of Bashkortostan are examined. The formation and dominance of the leading actors of intersubjective social partnership is considered through the prism of post-nonclassical methodology of scientific knowledge, which, in authors’ opinion creates a theoretical background for the development of modern models of management of innovative development of the regions. The author´s analysis showed that among the social organizations trade unions dominate, as well as etnosocial and ethnocultural organizations. At the same time, the role is dramatically increasing and quantitative values of the nonprofit sector of intersubjective social partnership. Under current conditions, the examined sector is a powerful system that accumulates increasing amount of human, financial, material and organizational resources annually and the capacity of civil action. In Bashkortostan non-profit organizations develop more rapidly than other forms of civic engagement.

intersubjective social partnership, stages of evolution, main actors, Republic of Bashkortostan

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