The article is devoted to one of actual problems of modern science - regional politics. The purpose of the article is to prove the link between regional development in the country and geopolitical situation with the modern period of history. The author analyzes the interpretation of the term "region" in modern political science, sociology, economics, and emphasizes the need for regional development theories to the world situation, considering a number of theories which started with the development of the concepts of growth poles, the analysis of regional concepts and different states. Currently the world geopolitics has new power poles. At the same time, each state is considering carefully the actions of foreign and domestic policy. Political scientists, sociologists, economists have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to take a stable position in the world without having a clear and certain concepts of internal development.
region, regional policy, geopolitics, growth pole, development of the region, regional growth, unipolar world, bipolar world
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