Ageism is degrading and contrary to human rights practice, implemented in relation to older people, as well as negative gerontostereo types causing them. As an element of mass consciousness, it is an inherent part of workers of health and social institutions, reducing significantly the quality of service of older citizens with its manifestations. In the practice of social and health service ageism is manifested as mistakes in the diagnosis and treatment of older patients, ignoring their complaints and suggestions, as well as the violation of their personal autonomy and etc. In the article based on the survey, the questionnaire among health and social workers of the Belgorod region was conducted, there is an attempt to identify and explain the age-determination of gerontological ageism. It is proved that the social and health workers of different ages are prone to reflection and representation of the problem of ageism in different ways, which is explained by the specifics of their identification with a group of seniors and attitudes to old age, the difference in gerontological competence, as well as destructive "corporativism" when the recognition of ageism within its activities is regarded as a violation of professional solidarity.
medical and social workers, ageism, age determination, gerontophobia, gerontological competence, older people, age identification, gerontophobia
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