Anti-corruption is an important task that in many countries is a matter of the possibility of further economic development, and in some cases, the possibility of saving the country as an independent economic and political entity. In the Russian Federation corruption as a systemic phenomenon must be countered systemic opposition, which includes a coordinated, purposeful activity of public authorities and civil society institutions. Anti-corruption policy is in close relationship with other social phenomena occurring in society, such as law, economics, culture, ideology, morality. The state is the only social formation, authorized to accept, modify or cancel the rule of law, either directly or by delegating their powers. Thus, the state is the main subject of the anti-corruption policy, having the most resources to counter corruption in comparison with the other actors. In order to form a better understanding of corruption as an obstacle to the modernization of modern Russia, as well as to improve and enhance the effectiveness of anti-corruption policy across political, social, economic and legal institutions, it is necessary to solve such a problem as how to give the state a comprehensive evaluation and development of anti-corruption trends in Russian policy which the article is devoted to.
corruption, anti-corruption policy, stages of anti-corruption policy, problems of anti-corruption
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