Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article the participation of young citizens of the Russian Federation in forming and implementation the state youth policy is analyzed. It reveals the importance of patriotic education in the Russian society today. It is noted that to build citizenship is possible only on the basis of entrenched sense of responsibility and duty in the minds of citizens. The content of the state policy in the field of youth in the materials of the Orel region is considered, the regional experience of patriotic education of young citizens is analyzed. The significance of events at the level of the subject of the formation of youth patriotic education is shown. The formation of the state policy in the field of youth at the regional level is an unfinished process. In connection with it there is a number of problems about the moral education of young people at the level of the Russian Federation, the article suggests some ways to solve the problems. In an environment of rapid modernization of the society the state policy should serve as a "correct" direction vector for the implementation of patriotic and moral education. The state seeks to educate patriotism in young citizens, mutual respect, tolerance. Patriotic and moral formation of the youth is the important parts of the progress of society and state.

state, youth, state youth policy, legal acts, patriotism, legislation on youth, civil position, regional experience

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