Modern Russia is a multiethnic and multi-confessional country with a rich history of interaction among various nationalities and ethnic groups. This feature has every reason to ensure that once under the influence of various factors cause serious threats of extremist nature. Moreover, some Russian regions are composed of an extremely diverse population according to the social, ethnic and cultural indicator. The article analyzes the level of ethnic tolerance in one of the entities of the Russian Federation - Altai Republic. It emphasizes the importance of tolerance as an essential characteristic of modern and civilized society. Based on data of the survey, the author comes to the conclusion that in the region there is an average level of tolerance. At the same time, many sociological indicators signal about growing ethnic intolerance of ethnic groups to each other. The author proves the need for consistent and deliberate government ethnic policy towards the peoples of the region.
ethnic tolerance, dynamics of inter-ethnic relations, problem of intolerance, ethnic conflicts, ethnic policy
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