Political and economic «revival» of Russia in the XXI century gave it some opportunities to resist to initiatives of the USA. On the contrary, successful integration of Russia into a modern world order is of interest to the United States of America. Finally, the USA and Russia really have questions which can be solved together. If Russia and the USA are ready to work as partners for the benefit of promotion of stability, safety, joint counteraction to global challenges, then it is necessary to build effective forms of dialogue at all levels to have their relations character of openness and predictability. It would allow to overcome disagreements in the spirit of mutual respect without allowing their development into an acute crisis. Certainly, even the most productive bilateral relations between Moscow and Washington can´t solve all world problems. But even limited success in this direction, no doubt, would make essential positive impact on a situation in the world in general.
Russia, the USA, Moscow, Washington, Russian-American relations, NATO, foreign policy
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