Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article the nature and content of several scientific approaches to the analysis of the institutional structuring of regional policy are summarized. The features of each approach are examined, as well as their influence on the development of the science of regional policy. The analysis of domestic and foreign literature is presented, containing information on the subject. The regional experience in implementing some theoretical features of these scientific approaches is studied. According to the author’s opinion, understanding of the institutional structure of the regions, on the one hand, corresponds to the well-established understanding of institute in the political science, and on the other hand, it allows not be confined within a single conceptual approach, at least in the early stages of the theoretical operationalization. The author summarizes the main features of the studied materials and attempts to create a matrix of research that is applicable to the study of regional policy.

region, regionalism, regional policy, political institutions, institutional political science

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