The article considers pragmatonyms (verbal trademarks) as fashionable objects and analizes their characteristics. The analysis is based on the theoretical model of fashion suggested by A.B. Gofman, who sees the core values (attributive / inner) as structural components of fashion. These are universality, modernity, demonstrativeness, pun. The approach suggested by I.V. Kryukova is used to identify fashion tendencies in pragmatonymy. She offers a method for determining the criteria of fashionable objects by proper names, considering them in horizontal (spatially) and vertical (in time) dimensions. The author brings out models of creating verbal trademarks and identifies fashionable tendencies of their creation: pragmatonyms based on the lexemes with linguocultural components (including non-equivalent vocabulary); pragmatonyms motivated by the lexemes Russia, Russian, Slavic; as well as creating the names reflecting nostalgia of the Soviet period; pragmatonyms with the components our, your; verbal trademarks based on pun.
pragmatonym, fashion, universality, modernity, demonstrativeness, pгn, fashionable tendencies.
С переходом российской экономики на рыночный курс в коммерческой сфере возникает масса объектов, требующих номинации. Появление права собственности на название и конкурентная борьба за потребителя обусловливают поиск новых оригинальных номинативных решений для создания словесных товарных знаков, обозначаемых в ономастических исследованиях прагматонимами.
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