Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents a conceptual and linguistic analysis of terrorism as a global public and political problem of modern humanity. The authors consider the interaction of the types and means of the content aspect of the concept “terrorism” and mass media sphere, study the specifics of structuring and representing the content of the concept “terrorism”. The article further analyzes the dynamics of structuring and explicating the knowledge aboutbased on mass media discourse, states the verbalizers of the concept “terrorism” in media practice and concludes, on the basis ofpragmatic analysis and terrorist activities evaluationparameters,that terrorism is a policy and tactics of terror.

concept “terrorism”, mass media sphere, concept verbalizers, mediatext specificity, polydiscoursive metaconcept, political communication.
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Концепт «терроризм» можно отнести к глобальным, наднациональным концептам, которые в современном мире занимают существенное место в сознании всех людей.


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