Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Komsomol'sk-na-Amure, Russian Federation
The paper reports the concept, the methodology and results of the investigation of possibilities in the application of compound hard-alloy end millers equally with monolithic ones. It is shown that in the majority of operation conditions for general mechanical engineering the compound millers ensure the reduction of tool costs in the cost price of a product at the expense of tool hard alloy saving through manufacturing a miller shank with the use of cheaper material and a place of joining a shank and a cutting element ensures miller operation on high performance modes of cutting without detriment to productivity and machining quality. Material costs at the expense of the reduction of tool hard alloy used are decreased by 30-70% depending on material of a shank and a miller length. The example of compound miller design is presented. The method and results of the deformation computer simulation of such a miller under different operation conditions, error values in machining with a compound miller are illustrated.
monolithic millers, compound millers, hard-alloy end millers, tool costs reduction
1. SSR 18372-73. End hardalloy millers. Specification. - reissued with changes of № 1 and 2. – М.: State Committee of the USSR on Standards: Publishing House of Standards, 1984.
2. Utility Model Patent 154597 RF, IPC В23С5/10. End compound miller with centering girdle / Mokritsky B.Ya., Pustovalov D.A., Panova Е.А., Mokritskaya Е.B., Sablin P.А., Kwasha V.Yu.; patentholder: Komsomolsk-upon-Amur State Technical University. - № 2015108187/02; applied 10.03.15; published 27.08.15, Bull. № 24.
3. Utility Model Patent 154595 RF, IPC В23С5/10. End compound miller with girdle and slot / Mokritsky B.Ya., Pustovalov D.А., Panova Е.А., Mokritskaya Е.B., Kwasha V.Yu.; patent holder: Komsomolsk-upon-Amur State Technical University - № 2015108200/02; applied 10.03.15; published 27.08.15, Bull. № 24.
4. Utility Model Patent 154596 RF, IPC В23С5/10. End compound miller with centering cone / Mokritsky B.Ya., Pustovalov D.А., Panova Е.А., Vereshchagina А.S., Kwasha V.Yu.; patent holder: Komsomolsk-upon-Amur State Technical University - № 2015108180/02; applied 10.03.15; published 27.08.15, Bull. № 24.
5. Utility Model Patent 154594 RF, IPC В23С5/10. End compound miller with girdle and cross slot / Mokritsky B.Ya., Pustovalov D.А., Panova Е.А., Altukhova V.V., Mokritskaya Е.B., Kwasha V.Yu.; patent holder: Komsomolsk-upon-Amur State Technical University - № 2015108174/02; applied 10.03.15; published 27.08.15, Bull. № 24.
6. Utility Model Patent 154593 RF, IPC В23С5/10. Compound miller with centering cone and slot joint / Mokritsky B.Ya., Pustovalov D.А., Panova Е.А., Al-tukhova V.V., Sablin P.А., Kwasha V.Yu.; patent holder: Komsomolsk-upon-Amur State Technical University - № 2015108181/02; applied 10.03.15; published 27.08.15, Bull. № 24.
7. Mokritsky, B.Ya. Simulation of stresses and deformations in hard alloy end millers / B.Ya.Mokritsky, А.S.Vereshchyagina, V.Yu.Vereshchyagin // Proceedings of KnASTU. – 2016. - № 1(25). - p. 82-87.
8. Mokritsky, B.Ya. Compound End Millers as Alternative for Integral and Combined Hard Alloy End Mil-lers / B.Ya.Mokritsky, V.Yu.Vereshchagin, Е.B.Mokritskaya, S.А.Pyachin, S.V.Belykh, А.S.Vereshchagina // STIN. – 2016. - № 6. - pp. 7-10.