Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Babbit 83 crack resistance test in accordance with SSR 25-506-85 was carried out. By finite element method there were defined values of stress intensity factors in flat samples with a grown crack. The fracture viscosity characteristics of babbit are obtained. On the basis of a macro-fractographic analysis of wear fractures of a babbit sample and a finite element procedure for the definition of values of stress intensity factors the cha-racteristics of cyclic crack resistance are obtained. It is shown that a final fracture is realized at 3 МПа , and a transition from an elastic stage to the stage elastoplastic development of a crack is realized at 2,0…2,8 МПа .
babbit B83, static loading, cyclic loading, disintegration characteristics, finite element method, stress intensity factor, invariant J-integral, cyclic crack resistance
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