The interconnection of ergonomics factors with performance characteristics of operating efficiency of excavators – const price of product unit taking into account costs of possession (CPEP) is considered. A set of CPEP computations for a variable level of ergonomic factors is carried out. A work cycle time period for an excavator with the mass of 20t reasoning from technical potentialities makes from 6 10 sec which is considerably less of a time period spent actually. Time losses depend on the perfection degree in a control system of a machine defining a value of operation speed decrease by an operator and demand in a multistage positioning of a bucket cutting face. Time losses in a work cycle can be presented as depending upon a value of speed decrease of working equipment motion and time loss for control switching in the course of which working equipment is stationary. For the CPEP definition a list of initial data is necessary a part of which depends upon current conditions of machine operation that makes impossible obtaining this information without use of systems of an automated infor-mation collection and information processing (monitoring systems). A level of ergonomic properties of a specific machine can be assumed as unchangeable but an operator, at the expense of his individuality, introduces instability into efficiency indices. At the possibility of control of time losses for the management in a real time mode (as a number of other indices) provided with a joint functioning of automated control systems and monitoring systems it is possible to give an assessment to the undisclosed potential of efficiency and competitive ability of machine use.
ergonomics, performance characteristics, cost price of a product unit, efficiency monitoring
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