Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper deals with the study of one of the urgent problems of real time applications in which objects have spatial and temporal dependences. With the development of wireless communication and position-ing technologies the problem of storage in a database and indexing a large quantity of moving objects becomes urgent. In this paper there is offered an idea based on the method of hashing allowing the consider-able decrease of the quantity of database updates and the fulfillment of an indexing procedure possible. The paper reports the following basic approaches to the solution of the problem mentioned: a hashing; LP-layer; a division of space into blocks; coverings be-tween blocks; the use of a dynamic update of blocks, and also combinations of approaches. In order to draw conclusions of efficiency of hash-functions offered there was carried out a work on the experimental assessment of methods mentioned. The results of the comparison of methods are presented according to different criteria: productivity, a quantity of database updates, amount of disk memory pages used. The conclusions and recommendations for use are formulated.

spatial-temporal objects, indexing, trees, hashing
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