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Abstract (English):
Support of efficiency and high quality of a set of entrants is among the priority tasks facing the Bryansk state technical university. In the modern conditions one of the main sources of information on higher education institution for entrants is the official web site of higher education institution. The qualitative website having the modern interface providing a possibility of comfortable viewing from any, including mobile devices, containing exhaustive information and realizing the thought-over system of navigation according to documents will promote increase in interest in higher education institution from potential entrants and, as a result, to increase in efficiency and quality of a set. In article requirements to the visual interface of the web site "BGTU — the Entrant" are created and decisions which were the basis for development of the website for the purpose of support of the specified requirements are described. Features of color design of the interface which main objective is creation of such color gamma which, on the one hand, shall attract users are considered, and on the other hand – to be memorable. Detailed reasons for approaches to bread boarding of the pages of the website considering features of submission of information connected to operation of selection committee are also given.

selection committee, entrant, web site, visual interface, color gamma, bread boarding
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